What We Believe


We are connected to God in only one way that brings full life - by choosing to accept, through faith, the forgiveness, salvation and reconciliation God offers to us by Christ’s life, death and resurrection. There is nothing we can do to deserve this life – it is all a gift of God, and our responsibility is simply to receive it.


God The Father

There is one God, who exists as three persons living in perfect community – Father, Son and Spirit. God created everything and sustains everything by His life.


The Bible

The Bible is God’s completely true Story about who He is, what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will do. The Bible is the final and complete authority in our lives.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ was full human and fully God. He lived a perfect life in place of our imperfect lives; died, as our substitute, the death we deserved because of our sin; and physically rose from the dead. He offers us full and eternal life through His own resurrection.



Baptism is an outward sign of a person’s internal faith in Jesus Christ. Baptism is commanded in the Scriptures as an initial act of obedience by Christ-followers. We believe in baptism by immersion in water.


The Holy Spirit

We experience the presence of God and the fullness of life through our relationship with God the Spirit, who convicts us of sin, points us to Christ, and applies Christ’s work to our lives.



Communion is a time of worship when believers commune with God together by remembering the death of Jesus, using the physical elements of bread and the fruit of the vine.


We are created by God and in the image of God. The first humans chose willingly to betray their relationship with God through direct disobedience which caused this perfect and intimate relationship to become imperfect and distant. Their disobedience has affected every human being since that time. But God wanted them back, so He has pursued the human race at all cost with the intent of restoring this relationship and bringing full life once again.

The Church

Believers everywhere compose the church in the universal sense, but the church is also expressed locally. The church is made up of imperfect people who are responding day by day in all their relationships to God’s stunning grace. The church fulfills its purpose by offering Christ’s full life and by helping those who respond to this offer to become people who follow Christ with their whole heart.

The Future

In His own time and in His own way, God will bring the world as we know it to an end. We believe the following events will occur: Jesus is coming back at any moment (the rapture). The world will experience a seven-year period of misleading peace and unprecedented distress (the tribulation). Satan will be defeated in a great battle and will be imprisoned for 1,000 years as Christ reigns physically on the earth (the millennium). God will make all things new – heaven and earth – where His followers will live with Him forever.