RBC staff


Cory Snyder

Cory Snyder

Jerry Foster

Jerry Foster

Tim Snyder

Tim Snyder

Kshitiz Ghimire

Kshitiz Ghimire


Cory Snyder

Cory came on staff as youth pastor in 2003. He has a degree in Biblical Studies from Baptist Bible College in PA. Cory and his wife Carrie have 2 children. Cory stepped into the position of lead pastor in Sept. 2008. Cory is excited to be able to share God’s Word each week in a relevant way that encourages people to grow in their Christian walk.

Jerry Foster

Jerry served as Lead Pastor at Riverdale from 1997-2008, after coming from a missionary appointment to France for 8 years. He and his wife Gloria have been in the pastorate for over 40 years. Jerry’s desire is for evangelism and he enjoys being a chaplain for local law enforcement agencies. He currently serves as associate pastor.


Tim Snyder

Tim graduated with his bachelor's degree in Bible from Summit University of Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Jennie, have two children. He currently serves as Pastor of Discipleship & Worship Ministries. 


Kshitiz Ghimire

Kshitiz was born and raised in Kathmandu, Nepal. Kshitiz was born in a Hindu family. His parents heard the gospel from a visiting missionary in 1998 and God changed their heart. He saw a change in their lives, which led him to be more curious about Jesus. As Kshitiz was asking more questions and attending church, God poured His grace on Kshitiz and he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior at the age of 12. Kshitiz left Nepal and came to United States in 2010 to pursue further education and equip himself for ministry. Kshitiz attended Baptist Bible College in Springfield, MO and completed his Bachelors in Mission, Bachelors in Business Administration, and his Masters in Divinity with focus in Biblical Counseling.